Kinvara Skincare boosts sustainable credentials further

To play their part in reducing plastic waste, Irish brand Kinvara Skincare has partnered with Greenspark to support Plastic BankĀ®, a project that aims to combat plastic pollution whilst supporting coastal communities.

Through the partnership, Kinvara Skincare has enabled the collection of over 38,000 plastic bottles from the oceans surrounding Haiti, Brazil, the Philippines, Indonesia and Egypt. Members of the community collect and sort the plastic waste, which is then weighed and exchanged for digital tokens that can be redeemed for basic necessities such as groceries, cooking fuel, school tuition and health insurance.

In line with the brand's sustainable credentials, Kinvara Skincare has launched their Absolute Cleansing Oil in a refill pouch. Offering 250ml of their award-winning cleanser, its packaging uses 87% less plastic reducing plastic waste and is more cost-effective than buying the original 100ml bottles. 

Kinvara Skincare