Virtual event to highlight hair & beauty vacancies

An online recruitment event is taking place tomorrow (4th November) to highlight employment opportunities in Ireland to jobseekers from Spain. The event is being hosted by EURES Ireland and EURES Spain, and HABIC will represent the hair and beauty sector to reach out to all perspective candidates.

The virtual event aims to bring together Irish employers and jobseekers/job changers from Spain and other EU/EEA countries who are interested in job opportunities in Ireland where there are skills shortages including hair and beauty as well as healthcare, IT, hospitality, childcare, construction, food processing, transport and distribution. 

After each presentation jobseekers will be able to ask the experts questions.

Although being promoted through Ireland and Spain, the event is open to all jobseekers from Europe and outside of EU/EEA.

To participate, jobseekers should register on the European Jobs Days platform